Monday, November 25, 2024

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Thanksgiving Approacheth

 What a can it almsot be over?

     A storm's coming in. Fortunately it doesn't look too bad here -- because we've got a truck to take to the repair shop. After parting with a good many dollars, it should be on the road again. (Thank God.)

     I have pies to bake -- pumpkin, pecan and some Dutch Envelopes. (Recipe's coming.) We did a smart thing by inviting friends over on Sunday, which forced us to tidy up and finish several small jobs. Not only does it look better -- but the wood rack's filled!

     More work to do, but gradually we're doing it. Hopefully you are, too.

A classic for you Pilgrim descendants -- me too.

Funny comments from the Irish point of view.

Ten humans and animals who survived being frozen alive. 

This one's just as strange -- a woman caught on video during an anti-Israel protest, taunting bystanders and giving a Nazi-style salute, has been unmasked as the OWNER of two kosher cafes in a Jewish hospital in Montreal!  Needless to say, she is no longer serving in that capacity...

What King Tut's grandmother may have looked like.

Christopher Walken dancing in Weapon of this!

Ten times the Scots and the English pitched into battle.  Sometimes the Brits won -- sometimes not. 

Seven (more) pieces of evidnece that Jesus Christ really existed. But then, millions of Christians, myself included, have known that for a long, long time.

Has the real D.B. Cooper finally been found out?

Seven things wealthy people don't have to worry about -- and seven things they do!  (From White Coat Investor)

Jerry Lewis does the jitterbug. Yow...the girl's kind of weird, though.

Pets who survived national disasters -- and often protected other animals.

The weird case of Matthew Martoma -- convicted of a huge insider trading scam. But a decade before that, he forged his grades at Harvard. 

Al Sharpton gets a $500,000 'donation' from the Harris campaign for his 'nonprofit' -- then 2 1/2 weeks later, a mushy interview. Huh??

A Memphis wedding florist announces she won't be doing business with Trump voters...then gets flack for it. Frankly, I don't care -- business is business. She can do whatever we wants. Will there be consequences? Of course...but that's her choice. Same as with the Denver baker.

Plot twists you'd never see coming.

A couple buys a hoarder's home... and what do they find?  (Be sure to visit their Tiktok or Instagram accounts, as well.)

More from the 'Polling Nostradamus' who was wrong about Trump's election.

The phone call that made Dave Ramsey resolve to get out of debt. Himself.

Costco forced to recall 80,000 pounds of butter -- because it neglected to mention it includes dairy products on the package. This is just ridiculous.

Travel tips for winter.

Have a good week. If you'll be on the road... safe travels.

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President Carter's State Funeral in Washington, DC Today

 ...including the caissons and horse-drawn carriage up to the Capitol steps. Today's service was for Congress and the Supreme Court . An...