Monday, April 1, 2024

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Easter, April Fool's and Birthdays

     Christ is Risen.

     He is Risen Indeed.

I hope you enjoyed your Easter as much as we did. Not only did we sing and play at church, but had a great dinner with our neighbors and friends, Laurie and Mike. They're enthusiastic game-players, so we had a few rousing games of Smart Ass before they went home. (They were easy on us neophytes, which was nice of them.) 

Categories include Smart Ass, Dumb Ass and Kick Ass. What can I say...

  It's hard to believe that April is here...but I'm glad. Maybe it will get warm enough to actually plant something! April 1 may be April Fools, but it is also my dad's birthday. (He was actually born on Easter Sunday 1934.) The poor man was incessantly pestered by my mom, who enjoyed putting plastic wrap or rubber ham in his sandwiches, or salt in the sugarbowl. (Every Hollander worth his salt - ahem - enjoys a good spoonful of sweetness in strong coffee. Dad was no exception.)

     She even got the receptionist at his business to leave messages for him to call Mr. Fox. (The phone number was the zoo -- when he phoned there, the person answering said in a tired voice, "Yes, we get that a lot.")

     Happy Birthday, Pa. I love you very much -- see you soon.

* * * * * *

This weekend was also the birthday of Daughter #1's partner,  who over the years, we have grown to love very much. Happy Birthday, Dre! Hope you had a fun day.


I did some research after adding his Good Friday cartoon to the blog -- Johnny Hart, a staunch Christian, died the day before Easter Sunday 2007, while drawing at his board. Weird.

Blat your mouth off about squatting in a vacant home, brag about how much money the government is paying you as an illegal migrant, how smart/clever you are, etc. etc...and get arrested. Then sob about how meaannn everyone is, you're being hunted down, and it's not fairrrrrrrr.

A woman who jumped in an icy lake after her dog is found, four months later. She had her dog clasped tightly in her arms. (This brought a big lump in my throat -- touching, but sad.)

A cockatoo who loves Elvis.  (His buddy isn't so impressed.)

Pictures of people before drugs and alcohol -- and after. What a transformation.

The all-nighter...a dumpster-digging adventure.  (From Garbage Finds)

30 photos of lovely meadows. Notice how many of these are from Colorado?

Unexplained mysteries, 'coincidences' and doppelgangers. Weird.

Cracker Jack: history -- and a recipe.

Three-ingredient butterhorn cresceent rolls: cottage cheese is one!

What Emperor Wu from China may have looked like -- based on his DNA and skull.

George Washington's descendants' graves identified -- also from DNA results.

A moonshine cave -- under the NASCAR grandstands?

Stealth frugality.  (Don't miss the comments, either...they're great. From The Frugal Girl)

Dozens of mastodons, camels, sloths and other fossills found -- at Snowmass, CO!

Have a great week.  (P.S. It's snowing again.)

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