Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: No Way It's June Already!

 But it is...

We have a workable truck now, thanks to the Brick and Son #1, who stopped by to help out. They finished installing the brakes late Friday night. Then Son #1 and Daughter #2 had their own vehicle crisis -- a blown head gasket! Somehow they made it back to DIA in Denver for a week's vacation. 

    Their dog Freya and our dog Ruby are learning to live together, which is nice. I have, however, lost a sandal to Freya's chewing tendencies. Apparently it didn't agree with her, so she waited until we got home to throw it up. All over the rug by the front door. 

     What am I supposed to do with just one sandal, I wonder...

Maybe they need dog school...


An incredible find of coins in Poland.

 Zero-waste ideas that are extremely clever. 

Big cats must in Cumbria, after all -- 'panthera' DNA was found on a dead sheep!

Want to go magnet-fishing? This couple did... and found a safe with $100,000 inside.

 Some incredible Vatican treasures --  including the Emperor Nero's bathtub. (Don't ask.)

The 'virgin' stingray... isn't.    (In fact, she's not even pregnant) 

"What have you learned from working with successful people?" Quorans hold forth.

Another possible "Pretendian" -- this time at the Met.

Some surprising additions to museum collections. 

Prehistoric canoes -- found at Lake Mendota in Wisconsin.

Speaking of boats... the real story behind The Boys in the Boat. We just saw this movie -- amazing.

A long-lost Caravaggio painting makes a reappearance. 

Best values in used cars under $10,000 

Sad backstories on famous songs. 

A mammoth tusk -- found underwater at Venice Beach, FL.

Remember the plot to auction Graceland? It was all a scam.

Have a good week.

Times two...

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Meet the Kids!

      Our new puppies have been enjoying themselves, fake-fighting all over the house. Ruby pretty much tolerates them, unless all the tum...