Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Plugging Away

Still trying to keep up with everything. I just seem to be tired all the time. Is it Covid...or what they always blamed it on in high school -- "mono?" (mononucleosis, for you scientific types out there.)

Fortunately, I have no 'outside' duties this week -- but I do have a bunch of appraisal reports to finish up. It never ends. 


A couple is returning to their Lyons, CO home -- and a deer jumps on top of their motorcycle! Husband is killed; wife is in bad shape. (Who knows about the deer...)

Michael Jacksons' kids are blocked from receiving trust funds until the IRS checks everything. 
Makes you hope that, unlike their dad, they have some money stashed away in the bank.

A single Reddit post, done 'anonymously' (and out of guilt, I suspect) exposes a student on scholarship at an elite college -- as a fraud. Be sure your sins will find you out.

"Further illustrating his unconventional financial mindset, Kiyosaki expresses a marked skepticism towards traditional cash savings. He references the U.S. dollar's disconnection from the gold standard in 1971, advocating instead for the accumulation of tangible assets like gold and silver. This strategy, he claims, has resulted in him amassing $1.2 billion in debt—a situation he nonchalantly accepts, quipping, 'if I go bust, the bank goes bust. Not my problem.'"

If I were a bank lending to this "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" author, I'd promptly demand he pay up. Now.

Oklahoma farmers are exposing a dirty secret -- Chinese-owned pot farms, where the employees carry weapons and drive pretend Amazon trucks. Whoa.

And one of the stranger stickers I've seen lately:  Nicolas Cage -- in a banana.

Have a great week.

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Investing Advice: Uncertain Times

 -- from one of the Great Ones, Warren Buffett. *Stay calm.  and: *Don't let fear control you.       (or over-optimism, for that matter....