Sunday, July 7, 2024

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Persevering

     Life continues.

     The Brick has been working on the truck (again). Me -- reports and putting stuff away. (And a sneezy version of flu toward week's end.) Don't you envy our exciting life?

     We did spend an afternoon at the Monte Vista thrift shop (shirts for a buck each!), and hit a few grocery stores on the way home. That was fun.

      This week: more of same. (Except the thrift shop.) I have a few days appraising next week in the Denver area, so have to make hay while the sun shines.


Albania as a vacation spot -- for incredibly cheap. I'd go in a flash...

Strangest things witnessed at funerals...including this:

'Several giggling ladies singing, "Spam, spam, spam" from Monty Python just under their breath when the pastor got boring. Several pews were laughing.

It was a song the deceased would sometimes sing. It was funny.'

The Swedish chef who saves dogs in Thailand -- be sure to read on about the 'Wheelchair Mafia.'

Valuable treasures that are still missing. 

New things made with used objects. Including this - made with beach balls.

A former executive editor of the New York Times trashes reporters for covering up Biden's foibles. (And this didn't happen for politicians during her time there?)

Skills and advice for tough times. 

Another look at the underground tunnel that connects a Denver hotel to this place across the street...originally a brothel.

New evidence from the Roswell UFO incident? 

The oldest wine ever found also has something else inside -- human ash.

Donald Sutherland is dead.  I rather admired the quirky movies of this intelligent, talented actor. If you've seen him in The Dirty Dozen (a part he took at the last minute, when someone dropped out), you know what I mean. 

"Well, I was always cast as an artistic homicidal maniac. But at least I was artistic!"

An ancient Greek temple discovered -- in graffiti.

An Indian blanket gets the recognition it deserves. 

Some very funny commercials:

Used as ballast (or on delivery?) in an 800-year-old shipwreck: gravestones!

How to make semmel: these crunchy-outside-soft-inside rolls are perfect for sandwiches. One version is here -- and a European version is here. Or combine the two. I ate them often in Austria, mit kase und wurst.

Have a great week. Get lots of stuff done. 

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  “August 8, 1982. - A line drive foul ball hits a four-year-old boy in the head at Fenway. Jim Rice, realizing in a flash that it would tak...