Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Labor Day...And Labor

     Blessedly cooling off around here. Whew. We're not going anywhere for Labor Day -- just venturing out in the stream of RVs, campers and gawking tourists along Highway 160 is bad enough. 

     We both have things to do, anyways...the Brick has been repairing a leak in the master bathroom sinks, and just ordered $260 of screws for the roof. (Turns out the roof metal panels have been lifting up -- and lifting the screws with them. They need to be replaced before snow falls.) 

     I am starting to make progress with reports, but have a lot to go. 

Happy Labor Day!


A proper Sunday High Tea -- at least what James Herriot's housekeeper thought was...

How to stay in a 'broke' mindset -- and save.  (From the Financial Samurai)

'Ancient Marvels' that people still haven't figured out. (Many of these are rarely mentioned -- but amazing.)

Who likes/hates/is indifferent to who in the Democratic Party? What a mess...

Amazing scams people actually got away with.  (Please -- stop and think before you respond to a 'too good to be true' or 'your grandson is in jail' phone call!)

A look at 'marked' women -- and their kid(s).  A classic from yours truly.

Sorry, people -- you're going to have to pay your own student loans.   (We did.)

'Rich and famous people' who know what it's like to be homeless.  (These may surprise you.)

Siberian meat dumplings -- and here's a way to see how they're done:

(Splendid Table's salmon cakes look pretty good, too.)

A Silver goddess figure - Corum Province Turkey - thousands of years old with gold highlights.

I asked the Brick what he thought of, looking at this figure: he said the aliens from Independence Day.  But here's what I thought of first:

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An Australian garrison in Tobruk during WWII that became infamous during an 8 month siege against an armored German/Italian Afrika corps. Th...