Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Hanging In There

    All this election drama makes it tough, doesn't it? Thinking about the many people struggling with hurricane damage makes it even worse.

    We stayed home...sort of. That's about it. The Brick worked on the roof (nearly done now!), replaced a headlight on the truck, started on replacing the garage door springs...and got music ready for Worship Team. (He led on Sunday - which is a lot more difficult than just following the leader.) He has one more week to do this. 

      I put away more bags and Stuff; made bread, cinnamon rolls and apple crisp; washed clothes; scrubbed and rinsed a large rug (8 1/2 x 12) that the kids gave us; worked on reports and sang on Worship Team. I also went to elections training -- got there, and found out it had been cancelled. So I came home. 

     Exciting, huh...more of same for the next week or so.


'Havest Home:' what Donna's been up to in Alaska this summer.  (From Surviving and Thriving)

A classic from Harvest Lane Cottage surviving the winter without adequate heat.  (Yes, cold weather's coming.)

A family is proudly displaying an 1888 note they found, written on a shingle. (They were renovating their Cohasset, MA home:)

“I was discharged from work on this house by McBride the Bulldog for being drunk only once, when he is drunk all the time. Carpenter Smith, Plymouth March 27, 1888,” the note reads. (Yes, the family found records on both men!)

Why retiring early is better than retiring rich.  (Thanks, Financial Samurai)

Who's in charge when Minnesota departments mess up -- and scandals ensue! (P.S. CNN authored this report.)

Very funny overheard conversations from New Yawkuhs.

Is this tree, grown from a 1,000-year-old seed, the famous "balm in Gilead?"

Did you know that Kris Kristofferson and Janis Joplin had a thing for each other?  Me neither.

Best dumpster finds -- and there's a lot of them.

"I'm here to earn money, not spend it." Right on, Kristin! And Katy, too...  (From The Frugal Girl)

Hungarian dumplings.  Oooh, these look good. Plus goulash to put them on. (From The Kitched Magpie)

A woman out for a walk stumbles onto more than 2,000 medieval era coins. Wow...

Unexplained mysteries -- in everyday people's lives.

Our first frost might be this week. We'll see... 

Have a great one. 

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