Sunday, October 20, 2024

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: The Artsy Fartsy Version

     A BIG batch of appraisal reports just went out -- and the garage door works again. The Brick finished installing the spring just before a huge series of rainstorms hit us. Yes, rain -- our friends got up to a foot of wet, sticky snow. The Blancas were covered, too. But we just got ice -- and rain.

Ah well. It will come soon enough.

     Election work starts tomorrow. Our hunting friends start coming in on Friday. It's going to be a busy week. 

The Mama's Michigan farm -- just before a fall rainstorm

Meanwhile: My latest batch (mostly) of artsy stuff. One of the requirements at now-Cornerstone College in Grand Rapids was a class called 'Fine Arts.' I actually kind of enjoyed it...but it was definitely wacky, to the point fellow students called it 'Fine Farts.' Oh, the genius of college kids, huh... they would also submit papers that started and ended normally, but included everything from baseball scores to recipes in the middle. Our professor had a reputation for not reading all the way through class assignments.

     A student asked him about this once. His response: "They're only hurting themselves." And you know what? He was right!!

The Sahara has flooded in spots!  That causes a lot of extra green...but problems,

The Halloween version of Things I Don't Understand -- run again just for you, Gentle Readers.

Gustaf Klimt's obsession with gold.

A widely-known art advisor, Lisa Schiff, pleads guilty to wire fraud -- 6.5 MILLION. Her basic defense: she was bad, knew it was wrong, and she's sorry. But she led a very luxurious life (on other people's money) for quite some years.

A long-lost famous artist's mural from a Howard Johnson's restaurant is recovered, after 50 years. 

Lafayette's Revolutionary War sword is donated to a museum -- the general originally gave it to a regular soldier, who used it as a crutch to walk home. Really.  Fortunately, the family kept it.

Dick Cavett and Robin Williams doing their own (very funny)  version of a Shakespeare play. 

Have a great week. Don't forget to vote.

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