Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fall Colors Are Here!

...for Colorado, that is, if you're up around 10,000 ft altitude or so.

It really does look like this.

We finally had a chance to do some (brief) camping, and were astonished to see the blaze of yellow-orange along the road. Even for us, it's about two weeks early. But then, the peaches were also early. We were lucky to get what we needed in Palisade; many of the stands were out of peaches, and talking about apples, instead. (This area is famous for its wonderful fruit.)

      We found a stand selling peaches for $15 a box...which is an insanely good price this year. But by agreeing to take all 13 boxes, the Brick talked them down to $10! What a Hollander...

I love Colorado's fall. It may not have the heartstopping oranges and reds the rest of you get -- but those flickering golden aspen leaves, contrasting with aspen's white trunks, and the evergreens around them, are truly lovely.

I can feel myself calming down, already.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.