Thursday, March 26, 2009

Free Cookbook Download!

Did you ever want to reproduce that wonderful dish you had in a restaurant?

Now's your chance to get a FREE copy of the Insiders Cookbook to Restaurant Recipes...everything from Applebee's to Burger King.

I'm looking forward to trying the Kentucky Fried Chicken coleslaw...can't get enough of that stuff. Some people crave pickles and mustard during their pregnancies; for me, it was KFC's coleslaw. Yum.

1 comment:

Queen Bee's Musings said...

lThanks I had been wanting the applebee's Oriental Chicken Salad!!
A joy to find it>

First Day of Spring

 . ..technically speaking, that is.  We've got cold temps and gray skies. Maybe Fort Garland just didn't get the message yet.  But I...