Saturday, March 7, 2009


Still here...and recuperating after a zany 32-person bridal shower for our new niece, Stephanie. The poor girlie, her mom, Adam's mom Lori, and their grandma (my mom) were wrapped up in new toilet paper costumes for the upcoming wedding, complete with plastic flowers, ribbons and two strategically-placed spools of yellow ribbon for Lori. (She won the game as the Hawaiian hula girl!)

Stephanie, who was svelte in a sheath of closely-wrapped toilet paper from ankles to chest, had a few problems. First, her group never thought she had to walk in this getup...and every step she took, another round of tp slipped to the floor. (It got pretty risque there toward the end...I hope she's not plannning to do this June 19!) Her other problem was cleavage -- the lovely sparkly furry trim draping her bust kept falling off...and she kept stuffing it back in. Hmmm...

We had punch and games...and lots of fun. Still tears now and then, but that will be the case for a while. It felt good to be with my cousins and aunts and just BE.

Today is raining. Messy, messy, messy. But we spent the afternoon in the fabric store, choosing fabrics for Stephanie's new quilt -- a Lone Star in the quiet browns, greens and roses so popular right now. Restful.

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