Saturday, March 14, 2009

Plugging Away

A pile of dishes are done...and I even did a batch of appraisals this morning. Other piles are slowly disappearing...but I am just beat. Have to teach a Crazy class tomorrow, and can't concentrate.

A big surprise this morning at the client's home -- out trots the smallest Weimaraner I've ever seen! She was a dainty thing. I'm more used to our boys, Buck and Goonie, who tip the scales at approx. 100 and 125 pounds each. "Cassie" had fun getting acquainted with the Brick weimies...via my pant legs. Then she rolled into the sun, laid blissfully in it and stuck one paw straight up -- Disco Dog.

Back to work...thank you, Dear Readers, for coming to visit. I'll be more 'whatever' next post.

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First Day of Spring

 . ..technically speaking, that is.  We've got cold temps and gray skies. Maybe Fort Garland just didn't get the message yet.  But I...