Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nature Surprises Yet Again

Yosemite National Park has a double-cool phenomenon:

A fire waterfall!

It happens two ways --
*Horsetail Fall, just off the east side of El Capitan, is only flows from approx. Dec. to April. But in February, for just a few weeks, the angle of the sun is just right to set the stream of water 'on fire.' Take a look here for more.

*Then there is the literal firefall! For more than 80 years, it was a tradition to build a fire on the rim, then literally push it over the edge at nightfall, sending of stream of wood, fire and sparks down the rocks. (Darn it, they don't do this anymore...the Green Police stopped it, no doubt.)

Someone wrote in and asked, a famous clearinghouse for urban myths and such, whether this really happens -- or happened. Their detailed answer: it did. And it still does.

Take a look! While you're at it, don't miss these intriguing rainbow roses, either. 
Have a great weekend.

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