Monday, July 5, 2010

Dead to Rights

Here's a strange one -- a 91-year-old widow in Pennsylvania who missed her husband and sister a little too much. When they died, she saw them buried properly, decided they would be claustrophobic...and dug them up. The bodies then lived with her for years, so she could talk to them and touch them. (She even used makeup on her sister's face, and put on her glasses for her.)

I miss my Pa badly, but it never occurred to me to do this...the bones in the ground are not him. Not at all.

* * * * * *
Husband has been struggling with a nasty case of flu...strep...something like that. He hacks and coughs and tries desperately to clear up his chest congestion.
   Combine this with our dog Goonie's poor health, and we've spent a quiet weekend. We thought we'd have to put Goonie down yesterday -- his hind legs were completely numb, and he would just lay there and soil himself. Somehow, though, after I came home from church, he met me standing up, wobbly, but tail wagging.

Fireworks last night, but they competed with a thunderstorm the whole time. It's been sooo warm here. We keep at least two fans going most of the time, and only open windows in the late afternoon and evening to let the cool breezes in. (Other tips: hang your damp clothes inside to dry...or a wet towel in the sunniest window.) We eat a lot of meals outside on the deck, too. Less crumbs to clean up, and we can watch the sun go down over the mountains!
   Another help has been iced coffee. It's easy, cuts down on the trips to Starbucks...and you'll never pour leftover coffee down the drain again.

Put 5 ice cubes in a deep glass, pour a teaspoon sugar on top. Add milk until the glass is 1/3 full, then fill to the brim with cold coffee. (Use it straight from the pot, or keep leftovers in a jar in the refrigerator.) Stir gently. For extras, add a swirl of whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles or chocolate syrup. Yum!!

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 We have two new members of the family --  Tiger and  -----   (We haven't figured her name out yet)    "Mixed breed," the girl...