Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ignoring the Oscars

Yes, I know it's Big Whup Night. Everybody and their brother/sister is dressed to the nines, and prancing down the red carpet at the Oscars celebration. And a whole bunch of people are partying to the same tune all over the country.
    Well, not us. (I did take a quick peek at the costumes -- why do nearly all the women look like they're just getting over the flu??) We just got done with The Adventures of Robin Hood. (The Errol Flynn version, which in spite of the green tights, is lots of fun.) Next are the stylish plaid shirts and suspenders of Red Green. Popcorn, leftover Valentine's candy and a cup of hot tea make life complete.
    Charlie, Jack and Buck are sprawled out, posed elegantly in their dusty coats. Husband and I complete the gracious scene in sweatshirts and sweatpants. Aaahhhhhh....


Lynn said...

I totally agree. I'd rather read a book.

Cindy Brick said...

I did that, too, Lynn!! Then promptly bored the fur off everyone, speculating who the real person inspiring Defoe's Robinson Crusoe was...turns out it may be the same guy whose story inspired the main character in Captain Blood. (That cool Errol Flynn pirate movie)
Thanks for writing.

I Shouldn't Be Laughing...

  Poor guy...