Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Doings at Paducah

Part of me wishes I was at the American Quilter's Society annual show in Paducah, KY this week -- and part of me does not. Flooding's been so extensive that the show exhibits, classes and vendors were forced to move elsewhere. They're still holding the festival, but it's going to be crowded.

Just FYI -- walk-in appraisals won't be offered by PAAQT/AQS-certified appraisers, after all. Just not enough room, and little way to protect the quilts. However, contact your local appraisers -- they'd be happy to help out, instead.

The quilts are still beautiful, though, including the winners. Like Pat Holly's Paisley Peacock, shown below, which won Best of Show: beautifully detailed, lovely shaded mix of colors. An amazing piece.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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