Thursday, April 14, 2011

Easter Basket Fillers...from the Experts!

Forty-nine (and counting) different ideas for additions to Easter Baskets.

    I hadn't planned on doing much this year -- Daughters are, after all, in their mid-twenties! But Daughter #1's boyfriend hasn't had much experience in this department...and I can't resist. Bunny-shaped sugar cookies will be part of the offerings.
    Chocolate bunnies, too...for a while, Daughter #1 had this thing about chocolate bunnies (Santas, as well). She liked to have them in her basket or stocking, but refused to eat them. And Hollander that I am, I couldn't throw them away. So I stashed them...and brought them out next year! Daughter's had more fun teasing about the droopy-eyed bunny she (finally) noticed that season. This year, though, she'll get a fresh one. (Now to see if she'll actually eat it...)

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