Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff

Sun's out. In fact, it's downright hot around here. We spent a good share of yesterday weeding, trimming out dead brush, etc., and the garden looks suitably grateful. Before I head back out there, I need to announce the winner for the Money book giveaway -- congratulations, Heide! Your book will be on its way in tonight's mail run.
    This week's giveaway will be posted tonight or tomorrow -- look for it soon.

Also spotted, while wandering around the Internet:

What's the best car for teens? The conclusions here, including insurance, mileage, durability, etc. could help you pick out your next vehicle, as well.

A photographer poses his grandma as a  93-year-old superhero. This fascinating lady is also a quilter, no doubt. (And I love her little dog.)

Older ladies aren't what they used to be. (Well, based on my own festy, chicken-keeping, rug-hooking, traveling grandma, they never were what they were supposed to be.) Take Mathilda, for instance. (She's 94.)

Some of the greatest trash talk in the history of war. Some surprising incidents here.

And speaking of surprise: a white killer whale has been spotted off Kamchatka, Russia.The first-ever albino adult orca that's been documented. "Kewl," as Daughters would say.

A man shoots his girlfriend --thinks she's a wild boar. (Not 'bore,' pig...) I'd think this was totally made up, but one of my cousins shot another during hunting season one year -- because she mistook her for a deer. Fortunately, it was just a leg 'flesh wound.' (Thank you, Monty Python.(

Spoonflower's latest contest-winners: sewing-themed fabrics. Spoonflower is a print-on-demand company for fabric; you can design your own, and get any number of custom prints. Beautiful stuff -- and at $18 a yard, the price is getting more competitive with standard fabrics.

I've wanted one of those antique card catalogs; all those fussy little drawers would be perfect for the buttons, beads and charms we stock for Brickworks. Unfortunately, half the civilized world would also love to get their hands on one. Enter this makeover: an  old-timey-look 'card catalog' made from IKEA drawers. Wow!

Being able to pay for something is NOT the same thing as being able to afford it. Excellent point, Frugal Babe

And in keeping with the grand tradition:

Have a great week -- talk to you soon.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.