Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday - No, Tuesday- Stuff on the Way To Other Stuff

Congratulations, Deb at Mountain Musings -- you just won yourself a Stars quilt book! E-mail us at Brickworks (or send your snail mail address to me at cindyjbrick@gmail.com)  and we'll get it shipped out. Another giveaway will start up shortly --

 Monday just got away from me. I had an appraisal to do, Daughter #1 to drop off, and Daughter #2 to pick up downtown in Denver. Everyone and their brother were wandering around aimlessly, waiting for the Rockies baseball opener -- after the fence incident, I had a horrible fear of winding up with someone in a Rockies purple/gray jersey plastered to the car grill. (They weren't paying that much attention to where they were going. Dingbats.) 
    In case you're wondering, the Rocks lost 7-0 to the Giants. I don't want to talk about it.

So here we go, from the wonders of the Internet:

The Alzheimer's Challenge has just gotten its 10,000 quilt donation! After the death of her mom from Alzheimer's, Ami Simms has poured her heart and energy into this very worthy cause. It's worth supporting -- yes, I've given. You should, too.

The motorcycle group who lines the road with an honor escort at military funerals -- so those creepy protestors can't be seen or heard. Good for them. 

How to save money on fast food -- courtesy of yours truly, and Tight Fisted Miser. (You might also enjoy my post on eating for $10 a week. Yes, it can be done.)

Carnivals are always fun, especially blog-related ones. You'll enjoy the Totally Money Carnival, courtesy of Millionaire Teacher -- but plan to take some time reading. A number of good links here, especially Add Vodka's ridiculous things she does to save money. (Don't miss the comments.)

A very illuminating discussion on why the National Women's History Museum hasn't gotten its act together, in spite of years to do it --plus a director who's been paid $165,000-plus yearly for quite some time. For a museum that doesn't exist yet.  (And is double-dipping by hiring her own direct mail firm to send out all the aid appeals. Hmmm.)

Make some Paska to celebrate the Easter season. I've been enjoying collecting Easter recipes for the Holiday Goodies blog, but never heard of this sweet Mennonite bread. Looks good, Funky Junk Interiors!

A whole slideshow of creepy Easter bunnies. (Including one with fangs. That'll give the kids nightmares.) And this slightly unnerving one:

We have snow, all right: a whole parade of snowy white and pink blooms, thanks to the crabapple and plum trees. Plants are actually growing -- now if I can keep them alive until the night frosts end...

Yep, looks a lot like this...

1 comment:

Libby said...

Looked at your link for the low cost home meals. Quite a challenge to try!


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.