Thursday, April 19, 2012

Videos - Learn and Grin

Before I start in, have you visited the Money book giveaway? A quick comment may earn this book for you -- FREE. It's full of practical tips on budgeting, ways to cut your spending without too much grief, and more. Earn three more comments by 'following' this blog, and signing up for e-mail updates. (Be sure to mention that in a separate comment.) Go here to find out more.

The snow's melted now (we had 8+ inches) and we're back officially to Spring. Both the iris and  tulips are beginning to bloom -- and together, something I can't remember seeing before around here. Usually the iris come later. Does this mean I dare to plant some of the warmer-weather crops, like beans, now? (I'm not stupid enough to try and put in tomatoes yet.) Dare I try?

Pottery Barn has a very interesting video out on quilt history:

Hand quilters will find one of those 'quilting sessions' amusing -- while she's stitching, the top is bouncing around like it's on a waterbed. Look at those designs, folks -- what you're seeing are the Seventies revisited.
This one's from Pottery Barn, too...

And I laughed myself silly at this 'sexy' video:

Are you supposed to be laughing...not sure! (The French-speaking kitten that mews 'oui' is an extra funny touch. She should have said "le mew," like the little darling in Pepe LePew!)
     Makes the Old Spice guy look like a wimp...

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.