Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Colorado Wildfires

Whoo boy, it's hot. And smoky.

A hot, dry wind is fanning the flames of our several wildfires here in Colorado. A new problem has developed: not only are the fires still burning in several areas, but authorities keep closing/reopening/closing roads to try and deal with the issue. You may not be able to get home on the same road you took to leave...at least not for a while.
    Last night, a huge plume of smoke was evident near Pike's Peak. (Yes, that road is closed.) The smoke has extended all along the horizon (mountains) and reaches north, to the fires up there. Because there are fires in the Estes Park area, as well, the main entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park is also closed.
    We're safe so far -- but a lot of people are not. Read more here.
     And here...

The strangest thing: even if you're not in a burning area, you can still taste the smoke in the back of your throat. And allergies -- does it make them flare up! Weird...

Sooner or later, this will calm down. But we still have a while to go.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries