Monday, June 18, 2012

Five Silly Things That Make My Heart Twitter

A new quilt idea out of left field. (Ok, this isn't that silly!)
      Like using your leftover blocks to reupholster furniture:
(see for it)

Or this gem, from -- cool use of a curved patch unit, mixed with scraps! Wow...

(These are both from my Pinterest boards.)

Caramel corn. Whoo boy -- crunchy, salty and sweet -- all at the same time. And not really that high in calories...especially when you can make it yourself.

Remington Steele. Mysteries. Elegance.Pretty faces. (Steele's included.) Lippy comments, and that little 'itch' of romance. What more could you ask for?

Frugal cookbooks. Best thing in the world when you feel like you don't have two nickels to rub together. That new meal helps stretch your single nickel further, too.  (A pretty good list of cookbooks is here.)

 The E*Trade baby commercials...what can I say.
Got any silliness you're willing to admit to?

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries