Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff

 Yep, I've been operating at top form all weekend... if that means soaking your brains out in the hot springs, reading a couple of books, and going to The Amazing Spider-Man with the Brick and friends.
     We also got an amazing amount of rain -- with cooler temperatures following. There's a lot of sewing and restoration work on the to-do schedule this week; it will be so much easier when the fabric's not sticking to the skin!
     Don't miss the newest Spider-Man movie; it's by far the most interesting. In some ways, it felt like revisiting high school -- lots of high emotions and fun battles. Ok, the smooches are fun, too.
   I liked the Tobey Maguire movies...but somehow this one just seemed more -- real. (Well, about the most you can get about a guy who spends his time swinging by skyscrapers.)

And what did I find on the Internet this past week for you?

Enchiladas (and other meal ideas) in 30 minutes flat. Yum.

Happy Days cast members may finally get paid for having their images used on DVDs, gambling equipment and all sorts of cheeseball merchandise. The stars of this popular series felt they should be paid; CBS disagreed. A judge ruled that they'll be able to take their case to trial. At least one of their former colleagues, Ron Howard, says "I think they'll get what they deserve." (I'm just not sure how he means that -- positive or negative?) It won't come too soon for Erin Moran ('Joanie Cunningham'). She's been having financial problems for years.

Roger Federer beat Andy Murray for the Wimbledon title. Funny -- Murray was the first Brit since 1938 to make it to the finals, in a tennis event played annually in... England!

Financial Samurai feels sympathy for the unemployed more than paying attention to what they're really saying. (My description of this sounds goofy -- but really, this is a very moving post.)

Italian art historians say they've found 100 new Caravaggio sketches and paintings, in a castle in Milan. (Some experts knew these existed, but they were categorized as from the workshop of Peterzano and the students he influenced.) Are these really from Mr. C., a giant of the Renaissance? Or are they just scribblings from his contemporaries? The arguing continues...

Ernest Borgnine died. This American actor had an amazing range of talent, yet never was a pretty boy. Most probably know him best from the tv series McHale's Navy. (He actually spent a decade in the Navy during WWII!) He also did an outstanding job in many other shows and movies, including From Here to Eternity, Bad Day at Black Rock, The Dirty Dozen and Marty. (The latter won him an Oscar in 1955.)
My favorite Borgnine role is his turn as a Viking chief in (what else) The Vikings:

Deb Girotti, you've won the latest book giveaway! We'll be shipping your Kids Quilt Together book as soon as we get your snail mail address. Look for the next giveaway soon...and have a great week.

* * * * * *
     "After World War II we wanted no more part in war. I didn't even want to be a boy-scout. I went home and said that I was through with the Navy and so now, what do we do? So I went home to mother, and after a few weeks of patting on the back and, 'You did good,' and everything else, one day she said, 'Well?' like mothers do. Which meant, 'Alright, you gonna get a job or what? 
   "She said, `You always like getting in front of people and making a fool of yourself, why don't you give it a try?' I was sitting at the kitchen table and I saw this light. No kidding. It sounds crazy. And 10 years later, I had Grace Kelly handing me an Academy Award."    --Ernest Borgnine, from a British Film Institute interview

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries