Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Off to Michigan

 Packing for a quick trip to Michigan to check on The Mama. Daughter #2 is going along for the ride; we'll get some work done (including buying more handkerchiefs for the Hanky Panky kits), go out to eat, and do the tourist bit, as well. Meanwhile:

Five ways to spend less and reduce clutter, courtesy of Apartment Therapy.

A faux shell chandelier...made out of wax paper! (Beautiful, Decorating Diva's Diary.)

Decorating with pallets... like this interesting windowed table. Take a look further in the post, and there's a link to a pallet shelf. I'm even thinking this would make a great coldframe! Thanks, Marty's Musings.

Don't quit your job to follow advice, until you're sure that advice is worth following. Financial Samurai's got an excellent argument here.

Thirteen freebies to take advantage of. (Thanks for mentioning them, Jeff Yeager and AARP.) 

A tab belt...made of soda tabs! This crocheted beauty is easier to do than it looks; Steampunk fans, take note.  (Whoa, this is cool, Gingerly Made.)

An Oakland, CA art museum gets hit twice -- can you help find the burglars?

Remember the discovered-in-Goodwill painting I told you about? It went for $11,205.00. Plus shipping. 

I wish life (and work) would go a bit more smoothly. At least it's getting done, albeit longer than I'd planned. (Notice the posting time on this? In case you're wondering, it's nearly 2:30 a.m.) But it's getting done -- and I'll be soon on the way to Chicago.

Have a great week. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...