Sunday, January 20, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Happy MLK Day!

The Brick has the day off, thanks to honoring a great man. Martin Luther King wasn't perfect -- but his words changed our world. Thank God he was here. 
     While we're celebrating, see what you think about these samplings from the Internet:

Grains -- do you eat them, or don't you? If you've heard the words 'gluten-free' more than once lately, you should probably read this post. And not for the reasons you may think I'm using. (Hint: the word "moderation." I've already stated what I think about this sort of thing.) 

A sad - but cautionary - story: what to do when your partner leaves -- and takes all the cash with him/her. Spedie, a Len Penzo reader, tells what she did in this situation.

Instant or delayed gratification - which one is best? Money Beagle tussles with the subject.

Ten 'shocking' money facts from AARP. (Well, they're interesting -- but hardly enough to make you fall off your seat.)

Ten financial surprises One Frugal Girl got about how a baby changed her life. Just in the first year. (One wonders what's coming in the future!)

DIY Fornasetti plates. (And boy, these are easy.) Thanks, Cuckoo 4 Design!

 A surprise proposal at an Orlando Magic game. See if you don't get a few tears in your eyes from this one!

A zero clutter plan that just might work! (Take a look, thanks to Zen Habits.)

A heart transplant recipient holds her old heart in her hands. 

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...