Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Summertime Gardening

     We just got two days of longer rain than we've seen for months. A little hail, too, but the ground was too grateful to care. I planted a fresh batch of beans, pumpkins and squash -- the chickens dug up and ate the previous beans, in spite of that garden area being netted. 
     This time, I planted the beans in planting boxes, and positioned them on two sawhorses. (More beans are in a metal tank on top of a stool.) The pumpkins and squash have to live on the ground -- but I planted them in a raised-edge bed, and netted it so the chickens can't climb in.
     I'm hoping for crunchy green beans by the end of August. Two zucchini survived the chickens' ravages (the stinkers), and are getting ready to bloom. Encouraging. Meanwhile:

What would you do with a lifetime supply of  ---? (Hershey's cocoa and chocolate, in this case.)

15 films based on true stories...whose 'true life' characters didn't like the results

The truth about hustling for side jobs. Some real-life practical lessons from Budget Blonde.  (I plan to publish a post soon on my own experiences doing this.)

25 healthy cracker recipes, courtesy of Stacy Makes Cents. (Ummm, the cheez-its look especially tempting.)

The waist-slimming, moneysaving food item Mr. Money Mustache relies on. (Hint: we do too.)

Don't put off dealing with stupid mistakes, especially legal ones. They do not go away by themselves. (A hard lesson learned by Girl Meets Debt. At least she had the guts to admit it, and let us learn from her story.)

Supermoon photos. Incredible.

Seems a good time to bring this up, as well. (Bring up this blog in two windows, and listen to the music while you're looking at moon photos!)

The woman who sold her jacket at a garage sale for $20. So what, right? Unfortunately, she'd hidden a pair of $18,000 diamond earrings, $1500 in cash and other goodies in the jacket, just in case they were ever robbed. Ouch...

Are your teenagers not saving any money from their jobs...and wasting a good share of it on fast food? One columnist's take, via Get Rich Slowly. I disagree with one aspect -- that working at a hamburger place doesn't automatically mean your kid is going to go hogwild on burgers. Daughter #2 worked for years at Taco Bell, and was very careful on what she spent there.
     My other question: who's paying for their college?

Don't worry about how other people spend their money -- concentrate on yourself. (From Financial Samurai) He says, "Do what you think works for you until it doesn't." Interesting...and curious, considering the previous item!

Reader tips: how to shop for a great buy for practically anything. (From Apartment Therapy)

Easy, inexpensive lipped shelves anyone can build. (From Shanty2Chic)

How to paint diamonds on your wood floor. (Southern Hospitaltiy)

And off to the races again. Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.