Friday, October 4, 2013

Bigfoot Lives!

I have some odd hobbies. One is trying to eat onion rings wherever I'm teaching. (So far, the best are in Corpus Christi, Texas -- and nearby Parker, CO!) Another: visiting the local thrift shops, or scavenging from the bargain outlets.

    And my favorite odd thing to do -- collect Bigfoot/Sausquatch sightings. 

Now a team of researchers are showing a new film from Kentucky, and suggesting that100+ pieces of organic matter -- hair especially -- prove that Bigfoot has a DNA connection to humans.

Take a look here at the researchers' footage, plus more.  
(the film looks a little wacky to me...)

Sadly, though Colorado has more than its share of Bigfoot sightings in the past (even less than 10 miles from the Brickworks offices!), it's been extra-quiet lately. Maybe it's been too hot...or the fires and flooding have made things too hot (ahem) for Him/Her/It this summer and fall.


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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.