Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do It Right Away...Or Wait A While?

When the sun's out, it's still glorious around here...lots of fall leaves blazing, and the sun gleaming off the mountains (still snow-free, but not for long) and the glossy feathers of the chickens.

Can't stand around all day, letting her stuff to do!

      It doesn't take much, though, for clouds to move in -- and when they do, it's downright chilly, and a little foreboding. Where have the past few months gone? There is still so much to do. The chicken coop expansion must be finished -- wood cut and stacked. The front and backyards are full of all sorts of flotsam and jetsam. Action packers, tarps, supplies are out, waiting for the Brick's upcoming hunting trip. What should I do now -- what can wait?

Some things don't have much choice. Meals must be made, clothes washed, the toilets cleaned. Then there's the business -- orders must be filled, appraisals sent, commitments kept.

But I am starting to understand something -- that I need rest and a break from routine, as much as the basics need doing. That if I trudge through, and nothing else, some of the joy goes out of life. Better to go a little slower and sip, instead of slobber.'s that for poetics. Now, if you'll excuse me, there are eggs to gather, cookies to make, and appraisals to e-mail. Life goes on.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.