Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thinking of Libby

I have not forgotten about our mutual friend, Libby Lehman. I hope you haven't, either.

If you remember, Libby had some strokes and seizures some months ago. (Here's my first post on the subject -- more here and here. Especially the latter, since it gives ways to help.)
     She still has not recovered from the effects of those, although she has responded some with words and smiles. Lately, her therapy has had some setbacks, from her lack of responsiveness. (She sleeps a lot, especially.) An October 6 entry by her family:

Report from Libby's room ..."Another sleepy morning for Libby. Woke up briefly as they tended to her and for a minute as softly washed her face with cool moist hand cloth. No nausea, no trembling but no talking. Wheezing deeply now so getting some good sleep. Lotion on hands & feet, lip balm applied as well as eye cream applied. They got her roommate in her chair which was noisy but she slept thru the whole ordeal. Wish there was more to report but again a peaceful & silent Sunday morning. "
Hopeful that she will be more alert tomorrow for therapy.

You can read postings from Libby's family on their Caring Bridge journal here.

And if you'd like to send cards or a note:

University Place Nursing Center
Libby Lehman
7480 Beechnut, room 625W
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 541-2900

Also, a florist nearby:
Elaine's Florist
(713) 661-6788
1 (800) 951-4545

I have nothing but admiration and respect for Libby, especially now as she fights one of the hardest battles of her life. Please keep this wonderful woman in your prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gods speed for Libby


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