Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Well, That's Spring

Eight inches of snow yesterday, with a nice thick coating of ice, as well. Friend Jo and I went to the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum's "Sunday at the Museum" talk about "Men with Quilts." My colleague Steve was one of the co-presenters. He did a great job, but we left soon after. 
     For one, I'd been up working until 3:30 a.m. that morning. (And dozed off a few times -- sorry, Steve.) For another, the snow was coming down fast. It was a good thing we did -- we came across two multi-vehicle crashes, with a sprinkling of in-the-ditch accidents, as well. I was grateful to finally make it home. 
     Had to take a car to the dealer this morning, and I got there 30 min. late -- Denver was riddled with accidents. Now, though, the sun's out, the streets are nearly dry, and the snow is melting fast. I'm glad I didn't plant yet - temps went down to 17 or so last night. By the end of the week, it should be back up in the 60s or 70s.
     Spring? Winter? Welcome to Colorado in the springtime. 

Now on to the Stuff:

The best chicken breed for the apocalypse. (From Backyard Chickens)

 Get your date  something she'll never forget -- a fried chicken prom corsage!

Two interesting questions. What advice would you give? (From Making Sense of Cents)

When the 'check engine' light comes on, DON'T ignore it... or any of those other pesky routine maintenance issues for your car. (From Donna Freedman)

Ten inspiring spaces for small balconies. (Apartment Therapy)

 Also good -- Gardening without a garden, using your patio or balcony. (Also from AT)

A genius poker player who's being sued -- looks like he may have been cheating. Speaking of:

The German champions of the Bali worldwide bridge tournament have been deposed, as well-- turns out they were convicted of cheating. What tripped them up: communicating by coughing. One of the American team they beat got suspicious when those coughs signaled certain actions -- and their fraud was confirmed by videotape.
    What's extra sad: these Deutschers were respected doctors at home. Why did they do it??

The oldest-ever message in a bottle.

Five recent cases of looted art being recovered. If you enjoyed Monuments Men, you'll find these interesting.  (Also - the Nazi art stash just found, hidden in a German apartment.)

Easter basket goodies that won't bust your budget. (From Monroe On A Budget)

And from yours truly --

Men, Women and Money. (From Midlife Finance)
The world according to Suze. Orman, that is. (Also from MLF)

Daffodils, for beauty and income.    (From Penny Thots)

Rhubarb - the springtime special.   (Also from PT)

Have a good week.

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First Day of Spring

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