Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Housewifey Stuff

It's been a quiet week in Lake Woebegone, my hometown. 

Actually, it hasn't -- I've had three long appraising sessions, mostly on quilts, but also including a wide variety of antiques and collectibles. Ever try analyzing cut glass, dolls, quilt tops, antique bottles, and old red-handled sleds...all in the same hour?
      I have. 

     And I helped out with our church's tenth anniversary celebration yesterday, as well. So did the Brick. After the festivities were over, we staggered home and took a four-hour nap. It was wonderful. 

     My busyness, though, has made this week's Stuff list a little thin on top. It will be richer next week -- promise. Meanwhile, I've been hanging out wet clothes in the brisk, chilly wind, and cleaning up all sorts of dustbunnies (or dustdoggy fur). The Brick just got home, so it's off to load the dishwasher and finish making supper. We had bits of snow swirling around yesterday among the bright green grass -- I'll bet we get more this week.
    Updates, in case you're wondering:

*The baby chicks are now fully-feathered, and sneaker than the dickens. They keep trying to slide through little spaces. I found one wandering around, put her back, went to do something -- and two more were out. The stinkers. They don't seem to notice the long as we keep the heatlamp shining into the coop at night.

*Our cousin Joe Kelly is still missing. He's been gone now for two weeks.

*If you're headed (or at) the American Quilter's Society conference in Paducah, KY, take a look at the Museum of the American Quilt's invitational exhibit that's a homage to Libby Lehman. (Who is still recovering, by the way, though she's doing better.) You'll find a quilt from yours truly, "A Crazy Tribute to Libby," in the mix.

The winners of the Denver Post's 'Peeps Diorama' contest! (Yes, we're weird here in Colorado. And no, it's not due to the constant pot fumes, either.) What's funniest to me -- the grand prize winners were a group of very educated and savvy professionals from the Denver Art Museum's conservation center! I met a number of these people recently while doing some consulting for the museum...they're smart and very enjoyable to be around. But winning with Peeps!?!  :)

11 signs that spring's (finally) arrived in Alaska. (From Donna Freedman) 

50 family-friendly things you can do..for $10 or less. (From MoneySaving Mom).

Becoming self-sufficient. From yours truly at Midlife Finance. You might also find my posts on tiny houses and men, women and money interesting.

Cake - pictured on BeatFM105's Facebook page:

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