Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Chickenyard vs. Fireplace Insert -- Which is Best?

     I've got just a few hours before leaving for the Davies Library in Deer Trail, about an hour away. Subject: "Crazy Quilts," at 6:30 p.m. -- come on by! 
    Keith, Daughter #2's boyfriend, gave the Brick some hours of manual labor for Christmas. Now we've got a fireplace insert ready to, well...insert. But the chickens have been decimating the yard of any green stuff, as well. If I'm going to have a garden, the chickies need to be Put In Their Place. 
     Keith and Angel are here for a few days. The Brick really wants that insert taken care of. Guess which job is going to get done first? 
     While you're debating (and if you're a girl, you know exactly which will win):

30 photos of naughty dogs...including the one who pooed on the book about poo! Speaking of:

Scooter and the close call -- not to mention the Great Turkey Chase. This very funny post is courtesy of Ami Simms, my colleague and friend.

Weird airline facts I now wish I didn't know. For example: cabin lights are dimmed so you'll be able to get out of the plane more quickly. Not because you can sleep. (Silly me, to assume...)

A a wheelchair? This artist makes some very interesting visual statements.

Good old Dan Piraro is at it again, with his Bizarro blog -- this time, dealing with why there are no good photos of Bigfoot:

A jambalaya of updates, including health insurance, an update on home office deductions...and droite de suite. (Yes, I had to go back to check on spelling for that one.) All courtesy of yours truly, via Midlife Finance. You might also enjoy my thoughts on getting ready for thunderstorms and other disasters...and whatever the heck Warren Buffett is nattering about lately. 

Paula Deen's house seasoning mix. Simple, essential. (Good for gifts, too.)

Optimism that makes sense, instead of pie-in-the-sky hoping. (From Simple Dollar)

21 awful things famous people really did (and said.)

This poor guy got a chainsaw stuck in his neck. (And lived.)

Somebody else was blogging about my trip to the Downton Abbey quilt retreat! Ignore the photos...I was beat, and hoping it didn't show. (Unfortunately, it did.)

Some historians are arguing that they've found the Holy Grail! Actually, it's been around for a long time now in a museum in Spain...but misidentified, according to them.

Here it is....whaddya think? Far too gaudy for a carpenter, in its present form.
The frugal famous. From yours truly, via Penny Thots.

Sell bits and pieces of your body...for bucks!  Yes, it's all items you can grow back. (From Penny Hoarder)

Has a real chupacabra been captured?

Have a good week.

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First Day of Spring

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