Monday, June 22, 2015

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Colorado Heat

It's not the Nuggets who are hot. 

Or the Rockies. (Ha -- they're in last place, and just got beaten badly by the other last-place team, the Brewers.) 

It's us.

All of a sudden, we are in the throes of a huge heatwave. Thanks to all the rain we've had this spring, the plants are loving the combination. The mint is growing so fast it's considering statehood -- or forming its own gang. It's ruthless that way: "Hey guys -- you'll be sleeping in OUR bed, and we'll be sleeping in yours from now on!" (Daughter #2's mint actually grew through a hole in her bathroom wall, and started branching out behind the toilet. I'm not surprised.) 
    And this is the same batch of plants that I was told were 'delicate' and hard to grow. Fat chance.
    I had a great time last week with the Golden Needles Quilt Guild members in Conroe, TX.  They came up with some especially nice Hole in the Barn Door blocks -- I'll show you those this week. (Update:  Here they are.)  It was hot and sweaty there, too. Guess that's summer for you.
    The list of Stuff is a little short this week -- I wasn't online very often. But hey, it's meaty!

The prosecution rested -- in the James Holmes theatre trial. (Thank God, after weeks and hundreds of witnesses.) Now the defense gets to show why this poor misunderstood soul shouldn't be held responsible for the murders he committed. They've already tried a number of times to press for acquittal...but that big mean judge keeps saying no.

A new quilt challenge from the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. Deadline's July 15 -- here's info:
     Call for entries for the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum's "25 Years of Inspiration" Quilt Challenge. We think you'll agree that the museum is an inspiring place, from the story of our founder, Eugenia Mitchell, to the countless wonderful quilts that have been collected and exhibited, to the many educations programs. We are inviting you to take it personally and make a quilt for the 25th anniversary challenge. Visit the website to download the rules and the submission form. Your 25"-square quilt will be displayed in the museum during the 25th anniversary exhibit (July 30-Oct. 27, 2015).  We hope that everyone will choose to donate their quilt to help RMQM begin an endowment fund...but donation is not required. All donated quilts will be auctioned online, with the proceeds used to jumpstart the RMQM endowment fund. 

10 people who should have known better, tweet-wise. Ah well...we can't all be smart.

Making a plastic pot look like a trendy cement planter. (From It's All Connected)

Is there cash hidden behind your walls...or elsewhere? (From The Penny Hoarder)

The backstory on a map stolen in Sweden...and returned. (I know this incident from an intriguing book about lost maps.) From Graham Arader.

The cat who rock climbs. Not to be confused with the dog who did extreme jumping.

The best (and worst) financial advice Dad ever gave you. (From Get Rich Slowly) 

Have a great week.

Life is just a bowl of...

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Love cherries in any way, shape, or form. These are sure cute!

Marketing 101

  Fresh vine-ripened tomatoes...makes me drool, just thinking about it. Unfortunately, it's March...