Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Hurry Up, Spring

Got back from Idaho last week, elated...and exhausted. This being sick business has taken all the starch out of me. I'm not contagious -- haven't been for weeks -- but just can't seem to summon up a lot of energy unless I do an equal amount of resting. 
    The Brick is struggling with the same problem, which makes chores interesting. Whoever feels the best at the moment is the one to load the dishwasher or feed the chickens. Everything else gets put aside for the moment. 
     After a number of snowstorms, we can finally see the grass. The air is still chilly, but the garden area in the south of our property, protected by the curve of the hill, is warming up nicely. I need to grit my teeth, get down there and plant peas stat, before the weeds take hold. 
     Maybe Spring is really here...but maybe not. We've got more snowstorms predicted for next week. Meanwhile:

The last surviving Crow war chief just died. 

Going hogwild on expenses -- or not. It may just be an April Fool's trick. Mr. Money Mustache sets us straight. (And may or may not have shaved off said appendage.)

Rita Coolidge claims she helped write Eric Clapton's monster hit 'Layla'... but never received credit or royalties for it. Ouch. One of my favorite songs, by the way, especially how Clapton does it:

Nine unusual uses for pennies. Including a ring, a battery...and this desktop. (From Instructables)

Penny Desk!

Some interesting ideas for foraging -- and preserving those into food powders. I know -- this sounds a little weird. But she's got some clever tips here. (From Penniless Parenting)

Need extra income? Knock a 103-year-old woman down, steal her purse and the food she just got for her next two meals...and manage to get yourself videotaped. Then plead not guilty. How classy can you get...

The promise of spring. Boy, do we need it. (From Surviving and Thriving)
     And if you're scouting for pennies for projects (see above), check out Donna's post, See a penny: pick it up. (I found 26 cents while going through the security line at DIA this trip -- and saw two unaccessible pennies on the floor behind the staff counters that still bug me.)

Unique historical artifacts smashed -- courtesy of ISIS. Their target this time: Palmyra's national museum. Boy, this really irks me...they have destroyed so much already. (Not to mention the many people, including Christians, that they've executed.)

I've saved the strangest for last:

Hillary Clinton announces that an unborn person has no constitutional rights. Period. No matter what.  Thank you for clarifying this point of law, Mrs. Clinton...but I'm guessing you're going to have a hard time proving this, even from a pro-abortion standpoint. (She wasn't misquoted, either.)
     Needless to say, I do NOT agree with this. But there are many things about Hillary Clinton that I have problems with -- including her dishonesty and self-serving actions. (I've been reading The Residence lately, which only cements this perception.) Is this the same person who was our First Lady AND Secretary of State...and now I'm supposed to want her for my President, as well?

Have a good restful week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.