Monday, April 4, 2016

Uptown Funky Walk -- Redone!

The Brick would say I'm obsessed with Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk.

I'm not -- but I'm amazed at the movie dance scenes adapted to fit this bouncy tune.

I thought this one the best (with a creepy exception or two):

But then I found this: 66 scenes from old movies, including several from that master of dance, Fred Astaire.

Gene Kelly's there too, including some bits from Singing in the Rain. (Did you know Kelly did his signature dance while running a 103-degree fever...and he improvised much of it while dancing?)

     Also represented: the Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy, Frank Sinatra...and I haven't even mentioned Ann Miller, Ginger Rogers, Judy Garland and the many talented female dancers on this compilation.

They would have loved Bruno Mars. 

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