Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Doofus Patrol

I've been trying to catch up with the gardening since we got back -- Colorado is so dry that if you don't pull weeds, especially grass, during the first few weeks in June, the ground gets too hard to do a good job for the rest of the summer. (In other words, don't make hay while the sun shines.)
     The Brick was off doing another job on Saturday while I was down, planting tomatoes. The hose needed to be turned off, so I started up our hill to the house...but wait, the eggs should be collected. And the wild roses were blooming. Why not grab a few on my way up? Mud-streaked shirt full of eggs, roses in hand, my shoes started slipping in the mud. An egg cracked -- uh oh. I grabbed a nearby branch, only to have it snap me in the face and spring back...taking my glasses with it. 
     After feeling around for some time, I gave up and called Ellie, our neighbor. She and husband Tim came over, found my glasses and made sure I got up the hill, Tim muttering all the time about 'slippery' and 'dangerous.' 
     They were kind enough to wait until they got home to laugh. 

The mother of the child who took a header into the gorilla enclosure will NOT be charged. (Not that you or I are surprised by this...)

Maybe you should think twice about that garage sale bargain. (From Donna Freedman)

A peek inside one celebrity's spending habits
-- Based on this, Amber Heard is quickly going to be in trouble financially, unless she gets a large settlement from her upcoming divorce from Johnny Depp. (From Financial Samurai)

24 marketing strategies that were just plain weird to start with. (From Cracked.com)

Six ways to save money, even if you're living paycheck to paycheck.  (From Len Penzo) Which could probably help Muhammed Ali's son...

Who isn't doing too good.  No doubt he will benefit from the recently-deceased fighter's estate. (My guess: he won't have that money too long, either. There's more to this pity-story than being said here.)

Some of the funniest chicken 'shame' photos I've ever seen, including this one.  (From Punk Rock Homesteading's Facebook page)

Ten secrets found hiding under floorboards.  Including Ernest Shackleton's whiskey, George Washington's wallpaper and a hidden staircase that leads to "Mad Mary's Room."  (From Listverse)

Sometimes you need to wait a while before trying to 'do everything.' (From the Frugalwoods)

A ski boot was found at Eldora Mountain Ski Resort...with human leg bones inside. This is within spitting distance of Daughter #2's home -- and ready for next year's Frozen Dead Guy Days.

The story of a rustic armoire -- made of crates. (From Funky Junk Interiors)

Landing a rustic armoire made out of crates / funkyjunkinteriors.net

Two teenagers send an elderly woman to the hospital -- because the lady was forward enough to ask them to move their feet on the subway, so she could sit down!  (Kudos to the mom who recognized that her daughter was one of the pair, and made her turn herself in. Not easy -- but the right thing to do.)

Ten interesting cases of archeaological/artistic theft. More from Listverse, who also came up with these doozies:

Ten people who were supposed to board the Titanic...and didn't.  Including the president of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, and a bunch of VIPs. Plus:

Ten hunters who became the hunted.

A closer look at the Robo-Quilter. This new machine is doing interesting 'custom'-looking work in machine quilting....all automated. (No doubt it will be messing with more than a few judges' minds.)

Falcon 9's first-stage landing. Isn't technology incredible!  (From Space X)

Have a great week. (And thanks, Tim & Ellie.)

Our wild roses look very much like this. Or did, before the hailstorm this afternoon.

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