Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cindy Brick is On The Air

Thrifty Mom in Boise and I did a trade recently -- a vintage Sunbonnet embroidery pattern (hers) for a book (mine): Quilts of the Golden West.

Not only did she get it -- she wrote a post about it! 

Thrifty Mom's blog is one of the first things I read every morning. She has many great, workable ideas for stretching your money -- and she gives firsthand examples to show how to accomplish it, even as a single mom with two growing teenagers. That's not the main reason I visit her blog, though -- she has such a sense of joy and enthusiasm about even the smallest pleasures in life. (She also reminds me early on that I'd better be preparing for Christmas, too...thanks for the heads-up, TM.)

I'm honored that she enjoys my work.

If you're curious about them, as well as my other books, you can find out more via Amazon -- or write me at cindyjbrick@gmail.com.  The Brickworks website has been down for refurbishing, but hopefully should be back and chugging away soon.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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