Not much happening on the home front, thank God. After all the fuss of the election (including working it -- opening ballots and counting, over and over again), I'm grateful to be able to futz around here. Some appraisals must be finished up, and I plan to sew a weighted blanket for a friend.
The chicken coop needs to be shoveled out, too. Oh goody.
They did it, but I don't know how! The Denver Broncos beat the New Orleans Saints at practically the last minute of the game, thanks to this blocked field goal and two-point conversion:
Now there's grousing that the player went out of bounds...but take a look yourself. Naaah. Besides, the ref was right there and would have noticed. (The Brick disagrees with me on this one, Broncos fan that he is.)
A University of New Hampshire librarian wills $4 MILLION to his school. How? He didn't like to spend money, his executor says.
A photo gallery of the celebs who, now Donald Trump will be president, Are Outta Here. Bye, Al Sharpton, Barbra Streisand and Rosie O'Donnell, among others. Don't let the door close on your collective behinds. (Thanks for the heads-up, TMZ)
Most are saying they're headed up north to Canada. Maybe they'd better read this first.
Lady Gaga's ticked, too. Poor baby.
Could it possibly be that these people's viewpoints aren't nearly as important as they think they are? I, for one, would sprint to the polls if Stephen King said he was going to 'shut down' if Clinton lost. (Oops, he did.)
How many of these little dears will quietly change their minds?
Winners and losers in the 2016 election -- and they're not talking about Clinton and Trump.
A bigfoot birthday party. No, I am not making this up. (From Coastal Mom Creations) While you're there, take a look at her:

Simple wedding cupcakes. Easy to make, too! Yes, she did that chocolate lettering herself.
Robert Vaughn died. An elegant, subtle actor who stayed married to his wife since their union in 1974. Wow.
Two bald eagles, stuck in a storm drain. How often do you see that?
27 costume blunders in famous movies. Nylon lycra shorts worn by Gladiator during a lion fight??
Carrot cake jam (from Hundred Dollars A Month). If that got your interest, you'll want to also try her:

Apple Pie Jam. I've made this myself, and it's wonderful. Good for tarts, as well as toast.
"I've made millions selling fake bad 'Billy Bob' teeth." (Perfect fake teeth too.) One in a series of unusual millionaires profiled by Mel.
My Frugal Life: The Way of the Miser. The title is misleading. Don't let it stop you from reading this interesting post. (From Thrifty Fun)
"Ways I saved money last week." (From Simple Is Good for You -- a blogger I've started reading fairly regularly)
A look back at how life changes and you adapt, year by year. You don't always realize it, though, until you reread entries from the past. (From Our New Life in the Country)
Going round in circles. (From Life After Money)
Have a great week. No campaign ads... whoo hoo!
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