Sunday, November 20, 2016

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: It Isn't Thanksgiving Week -- Is It?

Naaah. I have too many appraisals to get done, and a house to clean. Can't be that time already. 

The Brick is having some pain: kidney stones, we think. Fortunately, he has this week off from driving schoolbus for field trips. 
    Do I have time off, as well? See above.

Monday morning update:  The Brick is still in a considerable amount of pain.  (Doctor's appointment this afternoon. Update:  Kidney stones, all right -- just have to wait them out. Or through, as the case may be.)
      Meanwhile, we had our own blood-and-gore event: Charley finally caught the mouse that has been hiding upstairs the past week or so. This little stinker's favorite hobby was to zoom back and forth under the fireplace bricks while we were watching tv at night. (Unnerving, to say the least.) He ignored all the traps the Brick set out, but they were finally his undoing: one caught his leg this morning while Charley was chasing him. (I'd thought someone had stepped on a squeaky toy, for a minute there.) A few enthusiastic shakes by The Faithful Dog, and Mr. Mouse was ready to be thrown to the chickens. 
     What a mess...but I'll choose that anytime, instead of the nightly Mousey 500. 

Someone took a closer look at the 112 anti-Trump protesters arrested so far in Portland, OR. Guess what:  35 of those people weren't even residents of the state! Another 34 didn't vote -- at all. Only 25 of the protesters arrested actually voted. Hmm....  (from IJR)

Donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged as Hillary Clinton's campaign faltered. I wonder why? Her fees from giving speeches went from millions to 'only' $375,000. Ouch.

Pets who LOVE Planet Earth II.

Fake news isn't the problem, says's managing editor -- it's more that "people are looking for someone to pick on." Speaking of fake news:

Facebook picked up a bug for a while that declared its users dead!

Ten lessons learned from ten years' experience.  (From The Simple Dollar)

Did you notice the secret message that flashed between Abraham and Sasha on the first episode of this season's The Walking Dead? I sure didn't, the first time around -- on the other hand, I was too grossed out by what happened after that. If you're a fan, take a look here: it's subtle, but meaningful.

Homeless men and they would like to be seen.  A photo essay with captions that will make you think.

15 easy ways to make money for Christmas...and other times of the year.  (From Moneysaving Mom)

VanGogh's long-lost notebook is said to have reappeared in recent years. Or is it really a fake? (From Artnet)

Little Miss Madam the chicken.  We have one like this...we call her Mrs. Bossy. (From Our New Life in the Country)

Another unfortunate dissolves in a Yellowstone hot spring -- because he and his sister were foolish enough to try "hot potting." Really sad.

15 ways to dress up your candles. Christmas presents, anyone?  (From Hometalk)

Chicken mini-turnovers. (From Mennonite Girls Can Cook...I guess they can!)

Ten gifts for people who already have a lot.  (From The Simple Dollar)

A 'modernist mantel' -- for those who don't have a fireplace. (The Apartment Therapy post includes a lot of things for sale, but I'm guessing you can figure out the insanely cool PVC wreath in this, among other things.)

A man turns 15 -- and his son 5 years old on the same day. (They look a LOT older, by the way, for good reason. Hint: the son graduated from high school recently.)

Six ways to tell if someone is lying...advice from former CIA officers.  (Thanks, Parade.)

Speculation on the Wild Hunt.  I'll let you figure this one out for yourself...but it's weird.  (Listverse)

Weird (and a little creepy) facts about the Titanic.   (Yes, this is one of my interests...)

"What I'm Wearing For Fall."  Goofy, but inspiring.  (From Emily Henderson)

A Belgian home/workshop -- simple, basic and cobbled together mostly from scavenged and hand-me-down items. But it sure doesn't look it... from Dwell.

Clean up and condition your leather furniture with a simple ingredient: olive oil! Wow.  I plan to try this on our old-but-loved leather couch. (From The Tattered Rabbit)

Conditioning a Leather Couch to make it look new again

And not to be outdone:  The 12 Stinks of Christmas. Oh boy.

Happy Thanksgiving -- have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...