Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Life Goes On...And Some Goodies You'll Want to Try

     The Brick had to drive schoolbus early these past few days. The hard part: we are not early morning people. Monday, he let me sleep in -- the sweetheart. Tuesday and today, I dragged myself out of bed to be the Dutiful Wife. I fixed a hot breakfast, packed his lunch, tried hard to stay awake after he'd left. Finally, I gave up and went back into bed, Charley snuggling against my leg. 'I'll do some reading here,' I thought...and promptly fell asleep.
      I woke up to the front door opening, and someone crawling in beside me. (No, it wasn't the guy from Honey.) After I got up again, and felt my way all over creation, I realized the Brick, now peacefully snoring away...

Was laying on my glasses. 

Thankfully, his pair sort of works. For now, anyways. And whatever damage is done, is done. I'll wait until he wakes up, poor guy. 

Those of you who are also blind as a bat -- will understand.

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Walmart has a new grocery delivery plan. What I like about it: you can still choose the brands you prefer -- at the price you normally pay. They're even willing to let you try it, for $10 off. Delivery charges are reasonable, too. Sometimes delivery is even free -- a double bonus!
     I use this on occasion -- and get exactly what I want, delivered when I want it. Most of the time, I can fit in a trip to the grocery store. But being able to choose delivery -- especially when someone's sick, your kids are in sports at night, or your schedule gets busy -- or you can't find your glasses -- this is really worth it.
     Click here to get that $10 discount and try it for yourself.

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Just in time for St. Patrick's Day:
     Find My Past, an ancestry research company, will let you look up your Irish ancestors for FREE through March 17. (Actually, the free offer includes your non-Irish family, too.) Find My Past has connections to Social Security records (a tad unnerving to see my dead father's number out there, for all to see); census results, as far back as the 19th century; church parish wedding and baptism listings into the early 1800s; and more. Not only are they listed -- you can actually see (and download) copies of the original records.
     This is a great chance to do some digging into your family tree, at no cost. But only through March 17.
     Click here to go to Find My Past. They have an interesting free online webinar on Thursday morning, 'Secrets to Successful Irish Family Research,' that should be helpful, too. (Sign up for that class here.)

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One final gem:  a cute (and quick) video on how to make edible jelly cups! 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go wake up the Brick, and rescue my glasses. Hopefully they're still in one piece.

(Update: Turns out they were on the Brick's bedside table -- but I couldn't see them there. Figures.)

1 comment:

Creatively Living in Peace with God said...

I definitely have the same problem with my glasses! I hate that. I try to put them on my keyboard at night so I can find them and they don't slip off as easily.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.