Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Spring?

Our first daffodils are up, and struggling to bloom. I don't blame them, poor things. First, it's warm -- then it's not. Other than a bare sprinkling of raindrops yesterday, we haven't had any moisture for weeks. The clothes from today's washing are almost ready to put on the line. Maybe that will encourage it to rain. 

Cataloguing a winter snow and ice storm.  Actually, several.  (From Funky Junk Interiors)

This cat LOVES having his (18th floor) windows cleaned!

(Here's a longer look, if you enjoyed that.)

How to make an impact at your next job interview.

"How we styled our house (inside) to sell."   Warning: This takes a while to load, but it's worth it. (From Emily Henderson-- who does this for a living)

A DIY magnetic spice rack.  I might need to do this in our trailer.  (From Cultivating Your Nest)

Homemade peach cobbler -- from yours truly's other blog, Holiday Goodies. The recipe works for other kinds of fruit, too.

Nine ways to use a really narrow room. Or hallway. Or nook.  (From Apartment Therapy)

Seventeen ways to use those glowing glass 'gems.'  (From HomeTalk)

A Royal Caribbean cruise ship -- and some REALLY high waves.

Ten amazing recordings. Including a talk by Florence Nightingale, and the first recorded message on a phonograph.  (From Listverse) Also from them:

Do portals really exist into other times and dimensions?  They're trying to connect it to UFOs. I prefer time travel...

Make your own French onion soup mix.   (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

The woman who saved hers and her husband's lives by cutting off a cop -- and mouthing the words "Help me."

More on President Trump's wiretapping allegations.  And it isn't pretty.

Manatees play under a clear-bottomed kayak in Florida.

I'm intrigued by these see-through canoes (or kayaks) -- but they aren't cheap.

An elderly man is heartbroken when he gets a nasty note about Christmas decorations still up. So his neighbors decide to do something about it...

A hundred ways to save on electricity.

Dump-and-go dinners...the cheese ravioli one is especially good.  (Thanks again, Betty Crocker)

Martha Ballard's diary. This colonial-era midwife kept a diary of her activities for nearly three decades. Excerpts have been published, and a video documentary based on her life. These are nice, of course. You can read the full diary yourself, though -- it's online and free.

Have a great week.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

So many interesting links in this post today. I will have to save this to poke around later in the week. But I did want to say I love organization, so whatever you can do to make your trailer living more streamlined is certainly a good idea.

P.S. When we lived in Florida, I paid the extra $$ to have a manatee on my car license plate. They look so sweet!


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.