Sunday, June 4, 2017

Display Your Textiles A Whole New Way

...all you need are swim noodles or cardboard rolls, some extra muslin or cotton batting --

and a big pot, basket or other holder.

I saw this first at friend Cindy Thomas's house:

She bastes muslin/batting around a noodle or cardboard roll, gently rolls the quilt around it...and stores it upright.

Noodles are only a buck each at your local dollar store. Cardboard rolls are often free! 

Just make sure to have muslin or batting wherever the quilt would touch.
 (Not a bad idea to have the quilt rolled onto a second piece of fabric, 
wherever it normally would have contact with itself; it would touch the protective layer, instead. Helps prevent crocking and other problems.) 

Roll don't want your quilt to stretch too tightly! (This method keeps it from developing foldlines, too.) Secure the roll with a ribbon or scrap strip of fabric to finish.

It's a wonderul way to enjoy more of your quilt collection when space is at a premium.
It's useful for rugs, coverlets and other textiles, too.

Thanks, Cindy, for sharing. 

Her website is at Colorado Creations -- patterns, finished quilts and more. 


Barbara said...

WOWOWOWOW! I am soo impressed! Thank you for the inspiring ideas!

Cindy Brick said...

You are welcome, Barbara! Thanks for writing...and hanging in there with me.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...