Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Paintin' and Weedin'

In true Colorado fashion, it's gone from chilly/rainy to broiling/sunny -- fast. The plants are loving it -- you can almost hear them growing. I am well aware that I have about a week (two, tops) before the ground gets too hard and dry to do much good in the weeding department. So I spend an hour in the morning, and another one (or two) in the evening, pulling out grass. The flowers look grateful. I've also found several bushes and perennial clumps that survived the winter, but were cowering under all that grass. The bullies. 
     Son Keith is pretty much finished with the guest bathroom. He was painting in there tonight, and will finish installing the mirrors, lights, towel rack and such tomorrow. The tilework looks especially nice. (Look for a post on this later in the week.) So far, we've spent less than feared -- but still, no other room in the house has had so many new items in it at the same time.

      Then it's on to the master bathroom. 

Special Note:  I will be appraising at the Arapahoe County Quilters' annual show, the Festival of Quilts, this week, Thursday-Saturday. If you need a quilt or textile piece 'done,' I'm your girl! 
     The show is going to be quite wonderful -- if you're in the Denver area, be sure to stop by. 

A little about polka dots.  (From Inspired by Fabric)

Debt...or no debt?  An oldie but goodie from yours truly.

Our dog friend Nitro died yesterday. We will miss him...sleep peacefully, Big Boy.

Lending Club: a ten-year overview.  In other words: is it worth it to invest your own funds? (From Financial Samurai)

Grilled chicken & rice casserole? Actually, it sounds -- and looks -- rather good.  (From Betty Crocker)

Seven beauty tips for older girls -- from AARP.  (They're good ones, too.)

One room challenge reveal.  I love the cloud painting, especially.  Would she like to stop by and work on one of our messy rooms? (From The Nester)

Ten mythical things that actually existed. Like Moby Dick and the Kraken.  Listverse also has:

Ten famous people who didn't. Exist, that is.

This tickled my fancy:

I'll have more Stuff  next week -- just have been kind of busy. 
                        Have a good one.

Charley, Abby and Nitro -- On Patrol


KGS said...

I am SO enjoying your blog. I came to it in a very roundabout way. My DH became fascinated with a quilt we saw at a local quilt shop. This lead to attending the Dallas (Texas) Quilt show where we saw a lady working on a crazy quilt. Then he had to research those which lead us to "Hanky Panky" which lead to this blog. And of course I had to start at the beginning. I'm in Feb of 2011 right now. BTW-the original "HP" is listed at over $90 on Amazon.
And you have also inspired me to try quilting again. I'm working on a very simple rails and fence pattern. Slow going with blindness in one eye and very low vision in the other. It may take a year, but I will get there!
Thank you for the enjoyment I am getting!

Cindy Brick said...

Oh, KGS, those are some of the very nicest words you could say to a writer/quilter/teacher... thank you! I'm so pleased that I've helped you get started again. And if you write to me at, I'd be honored to send you a copy of my last book, QUILTS OF THE GOLDEN WEST. DH might enjoy it, too.

I'm still working on the Hanky Panky sequel. I'd hoped to have published it this spring, but clearing out the house and moving into a trailer has put everything non-essential on the back burner for now. Now my date is by the end of the year. We'll see what happens.

Thank you SO much for writing.

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...