Monday, June 12, 2017

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Busy June

After the rigors of the Arapahoe County Quilters show most of last week, I didn't feel like doing much of anything. 'Dead beat and plum tuckered out,' as the Brick puts it. A good long rest helped. So did going away mentally for a while, thanks to a movie from the other side of the world. Operation Chromite: about Douglas McArthur's attack on Incheon during the Korean War. An unusual war movie if you're American -- but interesting. The bad guy should give lessons -- he's scary/amazing.

Back to work. I'll be posting photos from the show sometime this week...there were some beautiful pieces there. 

Thursday this week (June 15), I'll be teaching for the 

                       Quaking Aspen Quilt Guild in Boulder, CO. 

     Subject? Something I rarely cover, except in asides:  all about handkerchief history!
 I'll be showing many examples, including handkerchief and regular patchwork quilts. Come on over; meeting's from 12-3 p.m. 
                 Info is here. Stop by and say hi. 

This is what Hanky Panky looks like, quiltwise! Photo courtesy of Barbara Brooks

Five companies that want you to work from home.  (From Moneysaving Mom)

Cold-brew coffee.  Just what's needed on a hot day. (Go to Question #8 -- thanks, Simple Dollar)

Before: a garden shed. After: a guest cottage!  (From Apartment Therapy)

What the USDA thinks you should be spending on food. Are you anywhere close?

The guy who climbed Yosemite's El Capitan with just climbing shoes, a chalk bag...and himself. In less than four hours. No ropes or pitons, either. (This site takes a closer look at how he did it.)

Ten near-deaths in space. Not counting Challenger and other blowups, that is.  (From Listverse) And if you're interested in this train of thought:

Weird stuff that's happened at the international space station. Most of which is NOT publicized.

An interview with the frugal dad of the blogger at  Penniless Parenting. (Honestly, I got more out of his advice than hers -- she has a thing, for example, about chicken gizzards that I'll skip. But I still learn things from her, as well.)

"Meal planning advice I learned from the most frugal family I ever met."  (Moneysaving Mom)

'Top takeaways' from James Comey's testimony in front of the congressional committee last Thursday. (Wish I could have heard it directly, but I was working.)
      You can read his prepared testimony here.
                 Frankly, I'm still confused. All sorts of left-out and hinted-at stuff here.

Don't forget --
Free coffee for teachers all June & July at Krispy Kreme!  Must show school employee i.d., and purchase a regular menu item.

Have a great week. Watch a movie!

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...