Thursday, March 22, 2018

Mrs. Clinton Fixes It

That Hillary Clinton. What a card. The more I read her words,past and present,  the more I am fascinated by her fancy footwork and double standards. 

     Take this example.

While researching the background on her 2016 speech about Donald Trump's supporters being a "basket of deplorables," I noticed something interesting.

      She attempted to fix that situation by the way,  saying that only some of his supporters deserved to be in that basket. Kind of like 'mostly dead.'

Anyways, Mrs. Clinton said this during the same speech:

That's why we've got to continue the forward march of progress."
"And we cannot do it alone. I cannot do it alone. I'm not like Donald Trump, who says, 'I alone can fix it.' I've never quite figured out what it is he alone can fix. But that's not what you'll hear from me. I think we have to do this together. 
Wait a minute. In her most recent faux pas, didn't she say:

“You know, you didn’t like black people getting rights,” she added, “you didn’t like women y’know, getting jobs, you don’t want, y’know, see that Indian American succeeding more than you are, whatever your problem is, I’m gonna solve it.

Hmmm. All by herself, no doubt.

Ironically, former President Obama made similar "bitter comments" in 2008, but later apologized and said they were "my most boneheaded move:"

     "How it was interpreted in the press was Obama talking to a bunch of wine-sipping San Francisco liberals with an anthropological view toward white working-class voters," Obama told the Times. "And I was actually making the reverse point, clumsily, which is that these voters have a right to be frustrated because they've been ignored. And because Democrats haven't met them halfway on cultural issues, we've not been able to communicate to them effectively an economic agenda that would help broaden our coalition."

Mrs. Clinton's response to this -- at a time when she was hoping for the Democratic nomination, and actively campaigning for it -- was that Obama was "elitist and divisive."
    "People don't need a president who looks down on them. They need a president who stands up for them," she said.

Steve Hilton's commentary on Mrs. Clinton's recent speech is penetrating:

After dismissing American women who dared to vote against her as brainless robots when it comes to politics – this from the self-styled champion of women! – she went on to describe Trump supporters (roughly half the country, let’s remember) as people who “didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are.”
Let’s not waste too much time on how unintelligent, offensive and bigoted that remark really is. The best response might just be to point to one prominent Trump supporter who now serves in  the president’s Cabinet: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, an Indian-American professional woman who as governor of South Carolina not only took down the Confederate flag but said that it “should never have been there.”

Not to mention Gina Haspel, newly-appointed director of the CIA. 

Please, Mrs. Clinton. Review what you've already said, before you add to the opus. Maybe you can fix it...or at least try. Please.

I need the rest.

Photos from Wikipedia

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