Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Bits & Pieces Updates

     We have so many balls up in the air now, it's difficult to see in between them. So far, everything's staying aloft. Cleaning out the house continues...though not as quickly as I always hope. The book continues... ditto. And  we've covered every one of the commitments we've needed to. It's meant less sleep and more absentmindedness, and probably some squirrelly behavior. But our friends are used to this.

     More appraisals this week. Nothing I can't handle. 

     More trying to figure which item goes where in which chapter. Writing a book is more like fitting together a large puzzle. Sooner or later, though, it all falls into place. 

     It was just supposed to rain today (Sunday). As of 2 a.m., we've got nearly a foot of snow on the ground. It's okay, though; we need the moisture. Badly. And it just means I stay home and write! 

    I just heard these great quotes on the movie Red Tails:

"Experience is a cruel teacher: it gives you the exam first, then the lesson."

"Politics is defined as delaying a decision until it is no longer relevant."

Did you see Michigan's amazing last-minute 3-pointer to win over Houston? Yow!

    And here are general scores, if you're following men's college basketball. Poor North Carolina got creamed. So did Michigan State. It's surprising, how many of the classic dominant teams are not in the running this year. 

On with life... and Stuff.

"I meant no disrespect." Hillary Clinton explains that she understands why some people would be insulted about her recent comments at the Mumbai Conclave. " I did not realize how hard it would hit many who heard it." After reading her explanation (the Facebook message is in this link), it seems like she's saying, 'I didn't mean what I said. After all, THEY [the interviewer] asked me about it -- so it's their fault. I just answered. Let's stop talking about this, quick [before you notice anything else], and look to the future!'' Strong comfort, Mrs. Clinton. I feel so much better now.

A really up-to-the-minute update on Libby Lehman -- from her sister.

Jenny Clark -- a quilter's blog.  And a good one, at that.

When your parents die broke.  This is when the Brick and I thank God that our parents on both sides were frugal types who taught us well.  (From Liz Weston) And if you enjoyed that:

What would it be like if you asked your parents to move in?

Hard cider, pruning...and a new baby. Sadly, the loss of Frugal Hound, too.  (From The Frugalwoods) Another good post from them:

How to handle family expectations -- particularly the expensive ones. 

O.J. Simpson's confession?  Sick...just sick.

Five 'practical' moneysaving tips -- that aren't.  A classic from yours truly.

Aquim Talib just got traded to the L.A. RamsDenver Broncos, are you nuts?!?

Three reasons NOT to follow Warren Buffett's stock ideas. At least one of them is solid, to my mind.  (From the Wealth Advisor)

Should I invest in Bitcoin?  (From The Simple Dollar)

Six years of Get Rich Slowly... and 15 tenets about finance and living well that J.D. Roth has learned over the years.

The Prague National Museum wasn't the only one to lose some valuable gemstones -- the American Museum of Natural History 'lost' a bunch!  And they're still gone... (From Smithsonian)

19 viral photos of amazing coincidences.  (From Insider)

10 ancient animals (and birds) that are still alive.  Including a parrot whose swear word and anti-Nazi vocabulary was said to have come from its owner...Winston Churchill!  (From Listverse)

Have a great week.

Photos thanks to Pinterest

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 one was too big, one was too small...