*Prep work, an appraisal day, other appraisals and a lecture before flying into Nashville. Hustle, hustle, hustle. (The book manuscript must be finished during this period, as well.)
*Two weeks of the Australians tour -- 24/7, Nashville to Paducah to Branson to Hamilton to Kansas City. I didn't realize how absorbing this was until I kept dreaming about it for days afterward.
*While on the tour, The Book must be trimmed, edited and finished. Plus some other work done. Which means less sleep, on the time I have at night.
*Three days after I get home, our dear Aunt Mary dies. If you haven't guessed it, we've been in Michigan for her funeral -- 18 hours' drive, with only gas and potty breaks, but we made it in time.
We then stayed longer than planned to celebrate Mother's Day with The Mama. (And visit Holland's Tulip Time Festival, which was fun.)
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Dutch dancers -- both photos from tuliptime.com |
*While we're in Michigan, Brother's company has a machine break down -- and parts must be delivered asap to North Carolina. With a half-hour's notice, we head for the Brick's natal state, driving all night. We get there about 10:30 a.m., drop off the parts -- then turn around and head back to Michigan. Twelve hours drive each way, in little more than 24 hours. (Mission accomplished: the technician got the machine up and running again.)
*We leave this afternoon for Colorado -- another 18-hour drive. The roads are clear, rain is minimal --and we'll miss Chicago's rush hour traffic. All good things.
*Then it's back to work: on the business, the house and plans for Daughter #2's wedding in just a few weeks.
Have I finished what I need to, while we've been here? Does my body have any clue what time it is, thanks to all the time changes over the past month? Are the Brick, myself and Charley together?
Nope, nope --and yup.
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photos from tuliptime.com |
10 stories of love during the Holocaust. Reminiscent of the mother's letter I mentioned a few days ago.
Great ways to stash money -- and save on bits & pieces here and there. (From Budgets Are Sexy)
Almost 100 discounts and freebies for teachers. (From Brad's Deals)
Regrets of a former online troll. I'm glad she's sorry now, but how much better if she had never started in the first place...
A $50 dress and a whole bunch of blue roses = a beautiful prom gown!
Bears make a visit to a Colorado news station:
Mitt Romney brags about saving money on his tux. How often do you hear about a celebrity doing this...
"My daughter's homework is killing me." (From The Atlantic)
44 Pinterest fails that are...hilarious. (From Good Housekeeping)
16 kitty snapchat photos...also very funny. Like this one:
Abraham Lincoln's bloodstained gloves from his assassination may be up for auction.
Taking a vacation - by going back to work. (From Financial Samurai)
60+ restaurant and retail card deals you should check out TODAY. (From Brad's Deals)
Like the Outback deal we got for the Mama's Mother's Day present.
The Brazilian mom who foiled a robbery attempt, and saved lives.
Really picky -- and startlingly accurate -- details in famous movies and tv. (From Cracked)
Laundry room -- in a closet. (From The Inspired Room)
13 things found on the Internet -- including the Antarctic's hidden mountain range. (From Messy Nessy Chic)
The world's going to end -- Jim Bakker knows! And the only way you'll be protected is to live in one of his Missouri cabins, chugging his bottled water and eating the emergency foods he's so thoughtfully provided. (At a price, of course.) Btw, this is NOT the way Christians should be acting about (or profiting from) this issue.
10 incredible street performers:
16 essential slow-cooker recipes. (From our buddette, Betty Crocker)
Monroe Steele, fashionista. I should add -- practical fashionista. Good ideas here. (From Pure Wow)
Making a book out of 'rubbish.' (From Life After Money)
28 BUCKS for a rent-controlled apartment in New York City?? Until recently, this was true.
No-knead dutch oven bread. As Prairie Home Companion says, 'Heavens, it's tasty..' (From Hundred Dollars A Month)
Shirley's iced cinnamon raisin bread runs a close second on tastiness.
An unassuming legal secretary dies at age 96 -- and leaves millions.
Here's what I keep thinking:
Have a great week.
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Our dear puppies, Abby (now gone) and Charley |
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