Sunday, May 6, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: What Is 'Normal,' Anyways?

Trying to get back to an everyday schedule...whatever the heck that is. 

The Brick and Charley - Making the effort

Lots of paperwork to catch up on. 
Lots of piles everywhere to put away, donate and sell.
Plenty of work to do.

On the plus side, I've been having fun with wedding preparations. It's almost like playing house! We're talking about a geode wedding cake -- like this:

Three secrets (from tidy people) for a flawlessly clean home.  (From Apartment Therapy)

Letting go.  (From the Simple Dollar)

Easy Peanut Butter pie.  Oh my...and it's fairly keto-friendly, too.  (From Prairie Homestead)

Ten discoveries that may rewrite history.  (From Listverse)

An Indiana armored truck spills cash all over the highway -- more than $600,000 worth, authorities estimate. Guess it doesn't just happen in the movies..

A kind Chick-Fil-A clerk who goes the extra mile:

A fun (and frugal) last-minute birthday party for kids.  (From Penniless Parenting).

A window breaks when a Southwest jet engine blows apart -- and a woman is partially sucked out before her fellow passengers pull her back in. Whew.

23 crazy thrift store finds. While you're at it, also visit the photo gallery on Crazy Things People Have Come Home To, like this one:

I went to visit friend Ami Simms once, and found someone in my bed...I think it was Tom Selleck. May have been John Wayne. (These funnies are both from Huffington Post)

An IRS scammer gets his. I've had more phone calls like this recently...the IRS must want me BAD.

Have a great week. Hopefully your schedule will be a normal one. Assuming that's good!

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...