Monday, May 28, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Happy Memorial Day!

Plenty of heat yesterday. The clouds and thunder have moved in today, with a very welcome fall of moisture. We needed it badly. 
    It happened late enough that hopefully all the picnics and other shindigs finished up before it rained. We have a trip up to the mountains to check the lodge where Daughter #2 and Son are getting married. Fortunately, we're heading UP when everyone else will be heading DOWN.

10 chilling quotes from school shootings. A reminder that we've been dealing with this problem a long, long time.  (From Listverse)

How the Comic Patchwork became 'The Gossips.' A fascinating how-it-happened...

Billy Graham's will... and just what you would think this humble man would say.

Report from a quilt retreat -- including lots of photos. Some references to the Aussie tour, as well, which was nice. From my Australian friend, Jude.

The best Irish brown bread recipe.  (From Hundred Dollars A Month)

Wilbury Twist, from the Traveling Wilburys. What's that, you say -- you haven't heard much of this group? That's because they had bands of their own that they devoted more time to -- Tom Petty, George Harrison, Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan. The drummer, Jim Keltner, worked a lot with the Beatles after they broke up; his work is on solo albums by George Harrison, John Lennon (yes, Yoko Ono too), and, ironically, Ringo Starr. Rolling Stone Magazine listed him as #38 on the '100 Greatest Drummers of All Time.'
     It is wonderful to play with others who are talented -- and you can see that on these guys' faces. Too bad, as the Brick pointed out, that most of them are dead now. They could have contributed so much more.

17 things learned from living abroad. Which the Brick and I hope to do, some day.  (From Coach Carson)

Ten treasures that still haven't been found... we think.  (From Listverse)  Two more great lists are worth reading, too:

Ten stories from Star Wars' original filming.

Ten details from prominent tragedies that make things even worse.

'The day my mother died.' An amazing story.

Taste of Home's most-shared recipes. Topping the list: this cheeseburger soup.

A man gives a homeless woman $283...then follows to see where she spends it.  I was certainly surprised at her purchase! (But it makes perfect sense.)
Did Alexa record YOUR conversation, and send it to someone else?  This is incredibly creepy.
    Update: the company said it wasn't Alexa's fault. I dunno...the explanation sounds even stranger.

Useful ideas for a wedding registry.  (From the Frugalwoods. See? I DO like them and their blog.)

Words of wisdom, from a retiring marine.

After years of freeloading, a 30-year-old-man is forced to move from his parents' house. It took a lawsuit to evict him... Poor baby...of course, it's not his fault. (Or so he says.)  His parents expected him to pay rent, help out with household chores, and get a job. How cruel.
     Now he says he can't move, because he can't afford moving boxes to put his stuff in . Do what we've always done, Buddy -- head for the local liquor store. They've got plenty.
     Next excuse? This guy is sooo messed up.

Official royal wedding photos. These are lovely.

Recreate the royal breakfast -- for a lot less.

"Why no bones and bodies?" An examination of one of the most serious Bigfoot questions. (The author's conclusion: the bodies and bones ARE out there -- they've just been taken away by The Government, reburied...or taken away by fellow Bigfoot.)

23 heroic animal stories. (Type in the number as you click from page to page -- it's faster.)

Ramen noodles = delicious, frugal meals.

When it's not your time to die -- this is one amazing video.

Editing and writing strategies that should help you improve.  I'm not sure that it's going to inspire you to heights of brilliance, as she implies...but it should be helpful.  (From Making Sense of Cents)

Loriwallbeds.  Ooh, I love this idea. Could we translate it in trailer-ese?

TWO-INGREDIENT banana pancakes? Yes, and they sound delciious.  (From Kitchn)

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...