Saturday, July 13, 2019


Well, it's been an interesting week, so far.

We have one offer in hand, and another coming in today on the house.
    Which is good.

We spent Thursday evening in the emergency room --
      The Brick's kidney stones decided to 'move out,' so to speak.
      Which is bad.

But they did. He's feeling much better.
       Which is good.

So more waiting to see how to the offers juggle with each other. Our agent believes they won't be the only ones, either...a few more are waiting in the wings.
       Also good.

We'll keep the house and flowerbeds looking nice -- and see what develops.
     Meanwhile, I'm trying to concentrate on work, instead of the house.
       Which is hard.

But good. 
       (Oh, that I was only good at waiting, too...)

Making lemonade out of...

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Don't Get Discouraged...

 one was too big, one was too small...